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Community Outreach
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The most selfish thing you can do in this world, is help someone else. Why is it selfish? Because the gratification, the goodness that comes to you, the good feeling that you get from helping others, nothing is better than that. Not jewelry, not a big house, not a nice car, but it’s the joy in helping others”.

~ Denzel Washington 

Its always been our passion to help others, we believe it is the purpose that each and every person shares.  In partnership with The B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S program we created our first annual blanket & coat drive to fulfill this purpose. 


By expanding on this purpose we launched our Esports &  Stem initiative with the goal to educate minority youth to the possibilities available to them in gaming and Esports and to inspire them to seek out opportunities to follow their passion for the industry into profitable, fulfilling careers in STEM.


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 is the responsibility of those in the community to ensure the community is represented and served.

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